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DIMARZIO DP161 Steve`s Special Black

Звукосниматель для электрогитары, хамбакер, цвет чёрный
Код товара 2047
11 720руб.

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Steve’s Special™ is a non-traditional approach to high-output bridge humbucking pickup design. Hot humbuckers usually concentrate most of the pickup’s power in a narrow frequency bandwidth for maximum impact. Using our patented dual-resonance design, Steve’s Special™ takes the opposite path, spreading the sound over a broad range. Bass and treble frequencies are boosted while the mids are pulled back, so the pickup’s power doesn’t kick a high-gain amp into overdrive as easily. This makes Steve’s Special™ a good choice for both fast soloing and clean chords, because individual notes won’t smear together with heavy overdrive, and clean sounds have an almost “hi-fi” quality.


  • Производитель:DIMARZIO
  • Тип:хамбаккер
  • Позиция:для любой позиции
  • Цвет:черные
  • Актив / пассив:пассивные
  • Штрих код:663334008816