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DIMARZIO DP248BK Area J Bridge

Звукосниматель для бас-гитары

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Код товара 4687
11 735руб.

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Been waiting for a bass pickup that sounds like a vintage J Bass® pickup and cancels hum? Your wait is over. Bass pickups are usually described with aggressive terms such as “amazing punch” and “thundering lows”, but that’s not the sound of vintage J Bass® pickups. They’re all about warmth, sustain, and a clean, singing tone. The Area J™ captures all of those qualities. It is not loud, but it has a very focused attack, so it has power where it counts – at the center of the tone. The lows are very clear and clean, and the highs are both smooth and open-sounding. We’ve reduced the magnet-pull, and included 4-conductor wiring to allow both series and parallel humbucking modes.


  • Производитель: DIMARZIO
  • Количество струн: 4-струны
  • Тип: jazz
  • Позиция: бриджевые
  • Активные/пассивные: пассивные