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DIMARZIO DP700 Blaze 7 Cream

Звукосниматель для семиструнной электрогитары, хамбакер, цвет кремовый
Код товара 2216
9 700руб.

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This is the model originally designed for the neck position of the Ibanez® Universe. The neck position needed to be warm, but not too fat (nobody wants the low “B” sounding like a tuba, right?), so we scooped out some of the mids to brighten up the low notes and we kept the power down to a reasonable level to avoid unnecessary sludge. You can get everything from a good jazz sound with a clean amp to a wall-of-sound with heavy overdrive. Many players have discovered the Blaze™ Neck Model is also a very good bridge pickup when playing with a serious amount of distortion — power chords retain more openness, and single notes have a lot of clarity.


  • Производитель: DIMARZIO
  • Тип: на 7 струн
  • Позиция: для любой позиции
  • Цвет: кремовые
  • Актив / пассив: пассивные