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DIMARZIO DP705 X2N 7 Black

Звукосниматель для семиструнной электрогитары, хамбакер, цвет чёрный

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Код товара 2220
14 305руб.

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What’s the story with 7-string guitarists? They always want more: more strings, more bass response, more notes to play with and — of course — more power. Okay, we got the message. The X2N® 7 is the answer. If you’re looking for pretty sound, don’t go here. If you’re looking for pretty crazy, this is it. Like the original 6-string model, the X2N® 7 is ridiculously loud, but we’ve totally re-designed the coils to capture the entire frequency response of all seven strings. And for players who experience occasional moments of sanity, the parallel humbucking and split coil modes are available for cleaner and quieter sounds.


  • Производитель: DIMARZIO
  • Тип: на 7 струн
  • Позиция: бриджевые
  • Цвет: черные
  • Актив / пассив: пассивные