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DIMARZIO DP719 D Activator 7 Neck Black

Звукосниматель для семиструнной электрогитары, хамбакер, цвет чёрный

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Код товара 2225
14 320руб.

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Active humbuckers have a distinctive sound: powerful, clean, open-sounding, with excellent harmonic overtones and very tight lows. This also fits the description of a great 7-string pickup, if the problems associated with active pickups — sterile sound and limited headroom — could be eliminated. The D Activator 7™ models do just that. The Neck model has both power and clarity — the low “B” string stays solid and doesn’t sound like mud with extreme overdrive, and the high strings sing all the way up the neck. And it doesn’t need batteries.


  • Производитель: DIMARZIO
  • Тип: на 7 струн
  • Позиция: нэковые
  • Цвет: черные
  • Актив / пассив: пассивные